Grilled Halloumi Courgettes and Peppers

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Under 1 hr. Under 1 hr.
1-2 1-2
Grilled Halloumi Courgettes and Peppers
  • Vegetables


  • 1 packet halloumi
  • 1 red pepper, halved and de-seeded
  • 1 yellow pepper, halved and de-seeded
  • 2 courgettes, chopped into 0.5cm slices
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon zaatar
  • 1 lemon, juice and zest
  • Method

  • 1
    Place the dry grill over a medium heat on the hob.
  • 2
    Remove the halloumi from the packet and slice into 6 thick slices. Pat the halloumi dry with a paper towel, if the halloumi is wet it will stick to the grill.
  • 3
    When the grill is hot enough, see Cook’s Notes, place the peppers skin side down onto the surface and grill until char lines appear. Once charred turn the peppers over and cook on the other side.
  • 4
    Remove the peppers from the grill, place onto a chopping board and slice into quarters.
  • 5
    Meanwhile add the halloumi and courgettes to the grill and cook until char lines appear. Turn the halloumi and courgettes over, reduce the heat to low and cook on the other side until nicely caramelised.
  • 6
    Mix together the olive oil, zaatar, lemon juice and zest to make a dressing and season to taste.
  • 7
    Arrange the sliced peppers, courgettes and halloumi either on a plate or on top of a grain bowl and pour over the dressing.
  • 8
    Cook's Notes
  • 9
    To check if the grill is hot enough add a few drops of cold water to the hot surface. If it sizzles and the water evaporates almost immediately, it is hot enough and ready for use. If the water produces steam and has no sizzle, heat the pan for a little longer and repeat the test again.
  • 10
    Do not be tempted to turn the food over until it has seared, otherwise the halloumi will stick.
  • 11
    When using a cast iron grill always heat up empty over a medium heat and allow to cool completely before placing in hot soapy water to clean.